RNA Nanotechnology Is Offering Great Results For Cancer Therapy
Cases of cancer are rising throughout the world. Researchers, scientists, medical professionals all have been working hard to gain some headway in the direction of cancer treatment. Small interfering RNA have shown signs of promising results but getting them to their targets in cancer cells has proved rather difficult. Researchers have now discovered that by joining antibody-like RNA nanoparticles with microvesicles help render potent RNS therapeutics mainly to cancer cells. We can get ligand displaying exosomes by using RNA nanoparticle shaped like an arrow to display a ligand on the exosomes’ surface. Exosomes’ biodistribution improves when its surface is decorated with RNA nanoparticles that hold chemical ligands in contact with cancer cell surface makers. Earlier during the clinical trails, working with RNA agents posed a problem in which although these agents made their way into the cancer cells, they still remained ineffective as they got stuck in internal vesicles known as endo...